

Verbos - Present Continuous

O Presente Contínuo é usado para descrever uma ação que está acontecendo agora. É um tempo verbal que expressa ações (atividades, situações) que estão ocorrendo no momento em que se fala, ou se estendem por um período de tempo limitado. Geralmente vem acompanhado da expressão now (agora) ou at the moment (no momento).
Para formar o Present Continuous utilizamos o presente do verbo to be (estar) junto com o particípio presento (ing) do verbo principal.
















I am studying English now.
She's working at a public school.

É usado com advérbios de tempo e de freqüência, como:
now, at the moment, at present, etc.

Sujeito + verbo To Be + verbo no particípio presente + complemento.

Pronome Pessoal

Verbo To Be

Verbo no particípio presente





Portuguese now.

As formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do presente contínuo são feitas de acordo com o verbo To Be.

Forma afirmativa
(Sujeito + To Be + Verbo-ING + Complemento)

1. She is studying now.
She - Sujeito
is - Verbo
studying - verbo principal no particípio presente

2. You are playing soccer.
You - Sujeito
are - Verbo To Be
playing - Verbo principal no particípio presente
3. Jonny is sleeping right now.
4. I need an umbrella because it is raining.
5. Jonny and Wilson are talking on the phone.

Forma Interrogativa
(Verbo To Be + Sujeito+ Verbo-ING + Complemento-?)

1. Is she studying now?
is - verbo To Be
She - Sujeito
Studying - verbo principal no particípio presente

2. Are you playing soccer?
are - verbo To Be
you - sujeito
playing - verbo principal no particípio presente

Forma Negativa
(Sujeito + To Be + Not + Verbo-ING + Complemento)

Formação do ING

1. Qualquer verbo recebe "ing".

Working, walking, going

2. Verbos terminados em e perdem o e recebem ing.
to make => She is making a cake.
to write => I am writing.

3. Verbos terminados em "ie" Perdem o "ie" e recebem "ying"

Tie - Tying
Die - Dying
Lie - Lying

4. Verbos monossilábicos, terminados em consoante, vogal, consoante: repete-se a última consoante e depois acrescenta-se "ing".

Run - Running
Stop - Stopping
Sit - Sitting

5. Verbos de duas sílabas, terminados em consoante-vogal-consoante, quando a última sílaba é tônica seguem a mesma regra dos verbos monossilábicos.

Begin - Beginning
Prefer - Preferring

Com exceção de:

- Traveling - Inglês Americano
- Travelling - Inglês Britânico.

Usos do ING:

1. Adjetivo:
A forma "ING" também é usada na formação de adjetivos.
Adjetivos - são aquelas palavras que modificam o substantivo. Em inglês os adjetivos são invariáveis e normalmente vêm antes do substantivo, ou seja, enquanto em português dizemos "Carros vermelhos", em inglês dizemos "Red cars".

1. Complete the following table. (Complete a seguinte tabela)
2. English speaking Canadians. (Canadenses falantes de inglês)
3. All living things. (Todas as coisas vivas)
4. The resulting centrifugal force. (A força centrífuga resultante)
5. A new type of self-winding watch. (Um novo tipo de relógio automático)
6. Sea-going ships. (Navios marítimos)

2. Depois de Verbos (gerúndio)
Se um verbo segue outro em inglês, muitas vezes a forma "ING" é exigida.

1. I stopped eating meat. (Eu parei de comer carne)
2. It started raining. (Começou a chover)
3. He finished doing his work. (Ele acabou de fazer seu trabalho)
4. I enjoy getting up early. (Eu gosto de levantar cedo)

3. Depois de Preposições (gerúndio)
Preposições são aquelas palavras tais como: in, of, about, before, for, at, with, by, after, se um verbo vier depois de uma preposição, a forma "ING" é exigida.
1. He was interested in playing tennis. (Ele estava interessado em jogar tenis)
2. I am thinking of changing my job. (Eu estou pensando em mudar meu trabalho)

4. Particípio:
Esse caso do uso da forma "ING" envolve o particípio.

1. John is the boy sitting in the corner. (John é o menino que está sentado no canto)
2. I hurt my leg playing tennis. (Eu machuquei minha perna jogando tênis)
3. The woman talking to Peter is my boss. (A mulher que está falando com Peter é minha chefe)
4. All those people waiting outside want to see you. (Todas aquelas pessoas que estão esperando querem ver você)


O presente contínuo é usado quando falamos de ações que estão acontecendo agora, neste exato momento, mas podemos utilizá-lo para falar de planos para o futuro próximo, basta utilizar a forma do verbo mais uma expressão que indica o futuro.

Nomes: Bruno Lucas Antônio e Matheus Araujo


O uso de ING

O uso de ING em Inglês

O uso do sufixo ING em Inglês está longe de ser apenas o Present Continuous. O Present Continuous menciona a ação em andamento no presente e é formado pelo verbo to be (am, is e are) e um verbo qualquer no gerúndio, ou seja, com o acréscimo do sufixo ING.

She is working at the moment.
They are watching TV now.

Outros casos:
1) Present Perfect Continuous - É a tal ação em andamento de cima que envolve um tempo decorrido, geralmente usando SINCE e FOR
I have been waiting for you for 2 hours ( since 7 o'clock)
I've been keeping this secret since I was a child.

2) Past Perfect Continuous - É uma ação em andamento no passado antes de outra ação no passado.
She had been studying for 2 hours when they got home.

3) Past Continuous - É simplesmente uma ação em andamento no passado.
I didn't go there because it was raining.

Temos então acima os casos que representam as ações em andamento.
Há ainda outros casos relacionados a verbos e até a outras classes gramaticais:

4) Usamos o verbo com ING depois de uma preposição. Mas o sentido, ou uma eventual tradução, continuam no infinitivo:
She is tired of walking.
I am interested in studying French.

5) Usamos após alguns verbos
They avoid talking to her when he is near.
She stopped reading when he got home.
I can't stand watching this !

6) Como sujeito de frase:
Learning English is wonderful.
Smoking is not good for your health.

7) Adjetivo
The movie was frightening !
I had a tiring day yesterday.

8) Substantivo
What a wonderful building !

Postado em: http://inglesnapontadalingua.blogspot.com/2008/08/o-uso-de-ing-em-ingls.html
Imtegrantes: Míriam, Ana Paula e Rejane.


Alguns casos onde se usa o ing:

1) Present Perfect Continuous - É a tal ação em andamento de cima que envolve um tempo decorrido, geralmente usando SINCE e FOR

I have been waiting for you for 2 hours ( since 7 o'clock)
I've been keeping this secret since I was a child.

2) Past Perfect Continuous - É uma ação em andamento no passado antes de outra ação no passado.

She had been studying for 2 hours when they got home.

3) Past Continuous - É simplesmente uma ação em andamento no passado.

I didn't go there because it was raining.

Temos então acima os casos que representam as ações em andamento.
Há ainda outros casos relacionados a verbos e até a outras classes gramaticais:


4) Usamos o verbo com ING depois de uma preposição. Mas o sentido, ou uma eventual tradução, continuam no infinitivo:

She is tired of walking.
I am interested in studying French.

5) Usamos após alguns verbos

They avoid talking to her when he is near.
She stopped reading when he got home.
I can't stand watching this !

6) Como sujeito de frase:

Learning English is wonderful.
Smoking is not good for your health.

7) Adjetivo

The movie was frightening !
I had a tiring day yesterday.

8) Substantivo

What a wonderful building !

BY: Caio César and Elias Silva
The use of English in ING
1) Present Perfect Continuous - such action is ongoing top involving one elapsed time, usually using SINCE and FOR
I have been waiting for you for two hours (since 7 o'clock)
I've been keeping this secret since I was a child.
2) Past Perfect Continuous - is an ongoing action in the past before another action in the past.
She Had Been studying for 2 hours When They got home.
3) Past Continuous - is simply an ongoing action in the past.
I did not go there because it was raining.
We then up the cases that represent the actions in progress.
There are other cases related to the verbs and other grammatical classes:
4) We use the verb with ING after a preposition. But the meaning, or any translation, still in the infinitive:
She is tired of walking.
I am Interested in studying French.
5) We used after some verbs
They Avoid talking to her When He is near.
She stopped reading When he got home.
I can not stand watching this!
6) As a subject of the sentence:
Learning Inglês is wonderful.
Smoking is not good for your health.
7) adjective
The movie was frightening!
I had a tiring day yesterday.
8) noun
What a wonderful building!

Fonte: http://inglesnapontadalingua.blogspot.com/2008/08/o-uso-de-ing-em-ingls.html

Postado por Ana Clara e Ronaldo Mansur


Food Verbs

Verbs and Phrasal Verbs About Food

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

For more information see the source: http://www.learnenglish.de/vocabulary/foodverbs.htm


I found a great site about food, see the source:


The Tapeworm Diet

If you eat for two and aren’t pregnant, maybe it’s time to get a second mouth in your belly. A tapeworm can sure help eat all of that excess food. Around the turn of the century, these little parasites were sold in a simple pill form claiming to help you shed inches from your waist. It’s uncertain whether these pills actually had live tapeworms or if they were just another “snake oil” product, but what is certain is that people have intentionally used tapeworms as a weight loss method. Jockeys are amongst the many people purported to have used tapeworms as a diet.

Possible Side Effects May Include: Well for one, having a worm inside your stomach, which might cause nausea, headaches, infections and diarrhea. Some people’s organs are blocked by the eggs and this can result in death. There is no evidence that tapeworms actually help people lose much of weight, so the whole experience may be for nothing.

The Sleeping Beauty Diet

You can’t eat while you sleep. So naturally, if you sedate yourself for days and neglect to eat as a result, this starvation diet may actually work for you. Elvis was a proponent of this weight loss method around the end of his life and the dieting method was also made popular in Valley of the Dolls.

Possible Side Effects May Include: A severe pill hangover can leave you with a headache, nausea and fatigue. Additionally, improper sedation might actually kill you and so might starvation.

The Vision Diet

If your food looks disgusting, you’re less likely to eat it. While this is certainly true, it’s not enough to make the vision-dieter glasses any less silly. From the testimonials I’ve read, the glasses make you feel relaxed while going on your day to day routine, but they don’t help you lose much weight. Johnny Depp is a big fan of blue glasses, although it’s hard to say if he just likes their look or if he actually feels the effects from the lens color.

Possible Side Effects May Include: Looking like a geek in big blue glasses. Possible vision problems after prolonged exposure to the glasses.

Caio César


Birthdays of August !

Name: Paulo Vitor

Age: 17

What do you like do?

I like reading, drawing, to dance, watch good movies… I like to be fun and enjoy the beauty.

What are your dreams?

I want to be successful. Have children, read a book and plat a tree. And in professional life, I would like to be an architect.

Favorite food: I don't have favorite food.

Favorite drink: I like juices and refrigerants... Ahhhhhh.. Off course.. ABSOLUT. (kidding)

Favorite teacher: Érica, she is very cool and Hirce, she is a cute granny !

Music: I like MPB, old rock .. 70’s, 80’s and Blues… I like so much Lady Gaga and Beyoncé.

Idols: C.S Lewis, Audrey Hepburn, Izabel Goulart, Stan Lee.. etc…

Movies: O Iluminado, all Harry Potter, As crônicas de Narnia, A Troca, Homem Aranha, X-MEN, A Ilha do Medo, Garota Infernal, Panico, Castelo Animado, UP, Planeta 51, etc…

Books: O xangô de Baker Street, A menina que roubava livros, O código da Vinci, Anjos e Demônios, A Odisséia, Harry Potter, EU MATO, etc...

Finally, what do you think of the MEC II?

The class is good. But students have child behavior. I like the class.


July - Birthdays of the month

Name: Ana Clara Campidelli
Sign: Cancer
Age: 17
Music: J-music
Books: Self Help
Fantasy and Science Fiction
Favorite Teachers: Is... ...
I like many CEFET teachers!
Hobby: watch anime
Slogan: No opposites, there is no evolution.
Person: I !
Finally, what do you think of the MEC II? a class that lives in conflict (mafia x side ''B'') but that is animated.


Name: Leonardo de Oliveira Gonçalves
Nickname: Leo, Leleo, Leozinho
Sign: Cancer
Age: 16
Favorite Food: Lasanha and pizza
Favorite drink: Cuba
What would you like to wear? Tennis shoe.
Actor or Actress: Demi Moore
Music: Only Exception - Paramore
Movie: Harry Potter, all
Books: Harry Potter, too!
Favorites teachers: JULIANA, ONLY!
Hobby: Horseback riding, playing handball.
Slogan: Real friends do not separate, just follow different paths.
Person: My mother.
Location: a cold place.
Finally, what do you think of the MEC II? Much of the people are nice, but some steal.

Name: Larissa Pedrosa Tavares França
Age: 17
Sign: Cancer
What are your dreams ? I dont know, I want to be happy.
What would you like to wear? dress and scarpin
Favorite food: Vegetarian lasagna.
Favorite drink: passion fruit juice
Actor or/and Actress: Angelina Jolie and Richard Gere
Music: I gotta feeling - BEP
Books: Angels and Demons
Movies: The simpsons
Hobby: Walk and read.
Person: Many peoples are important to me.
Finally, what do you think of the MEC II? Well, the class is divided into two groups, the first I talk a lot. The other group, I don't like much. Anyway, PUXADINHO forever!

Project Egg !

The work of the discipline CAD (computer-aided design) which became known as "Project Egg" was really cool! The goal was to get only cardboard, scissors and glue a project for a pretty box, economical, innovative, and above all that stood for a drop of 3m with an egg inside. Some gave some, others not...
View images:

design inspired by volcom.

* postagem sem correção de inglês. :p


Weekend and pizza...

After a loooooong week of study,
we, some students of MEC II
finished the week with pizza.
in Brazil, everything ends with pizza)
See the pictures



"When I was 8 years old, we had party in The Christmas there was many people and everybody had lot of fun, playing and the food was very good. I loved It."

"I was a party. We drink and had a lot of fun. There was so much food. We ate so much tile. We get crazy. WE saw lots of pretty girls and we talk to msny friends"

''My birthday party , It was in 2009 . I liked fifteen years old. The food was very good it was feijoada. My uncles were. There we had music, drinks and much candy. Everybody liked the party in my house so much. ''
Lucas Antônio

My bithday party was very happy was very happy, around a fifty people came. It was big surprise for me. I had a wonderful lunch and good gifts. And my best friend said some words about me. I played a lot and was with my friends. It was in a club.
Larissa França

Lorena's graduation party was very good. It was on March, ate UFOP, Ouro Preto. I left Itabirito at 9 o'clock in the night. I talked to my cousins and old friends. The place was beautiful and immense. I ate, I danced, I drank. The dinner was very yummy. My family and I back home at 6 o'clock in the morning we were very tired.
Juliana Lima

60's Party - It was on October, birthday of one friend, It was a 60's Party. It was very good, because I was with my favorites friends, as Luiza, Neder. Leonardo, Tainá, Edilania, others... It was really nice to go back to the 60's and wearing of beads!
Dayane Oliveira

My birthday party was very good. It was a big surprise for me, around twenty people come. We were in the beach, and my best friends said some words about me. We had a lot of fun.
Priscila Vieira

First bibirthday
My one-year anniversary was a tragedy, everything was ready for a great party. I lived in Belo Horizonte but my party would be Itabirito. A day before the party I presented symptoms of meningits. I was hospitalized and stayed there for a month. And all the preparation "were for aqua below".

My best party
My best party was the birthday of my friend Edilânia. There were all my friends. We celebrated it in the best way, dancing,drinking and eating lots of delicious things. We ewnt to bed very late . It was very good.
Leonardo de Oliveira

On December 24,my family and I gathered together to celebrate Christmas. My grandmother come to spent Christmas with. On the next day we made a lunch and received a lot of friends of the family in our home. Us were happy.
Bárbara Reis

Last year, I went to my cousin's birthday.There were all my family and some friends.
The party was very good and fun, everyone enjoyed it and danced very much.That was certainly an unforgettable party.
My cousin was very happy and loved the gifts.

My big celebration was when Cruzeiro won the "Copa do Brasil" in 2003. Flamengo lost from of Cruzeiro of 3x1. After, Cruzeiro won the Brazilian Championship. It was a team that I miss> Cruzeiro, is the best team in the world!!!!
Luiz Fernando

The party was very good all my family was there , with a king of lion decoration, i was the aim of the party .
I like my first birth day party.
Thales Pádua

Family celebration
On my cousin's wedding there were many people but to celebrate it only of the family were in the party with, music and dance until late in the night. It was great!
Juliana Maciel

My friend and i arranged to play video game in my home on september 2, 2009. it was a big mens i can not live without them.
Leonardo Marques

A very happy party
It was my friends in my grandmother's house, we made a big circle and we talked a lot,we had a lot of fun and my mother made a very good salpicão. We arrives at 6:00 p.m and we stayed there until 9:00 p.m, it was a very good celebration. It was my best birthday.
Pedro Morais

This year i was to a birthday party at my aunts house. It was a celebration of 15 year of my cousin. I didn't imagine how the party. Would be when i arrived and saw that it was one of the best parties i had ever been. It was great, it was all night with everything i could have at a party. I enjoyed a lot, had fun, ate a lot and much more. I'll never forget this party.
Lucas Fraga

Ten end of year I was in my cousin's wedding on December 14, the party was good. Met with several relatives and fiends. I really enjoyed it. I hope that other cousins get married soon.
Matheus Araújo

My 15th birthday was very pretty with my friends and family together reunited. I got lots of presents and I wanted
Míriam Ferreira

For me, the most remarkable day of my life was on August 22, 2008, when my grandmother gave to her first birthday party.
I was very happy to have given her great joy inexplicable.
Rejane Evangelista

On october 17 , it was the day of my father birthday, we made a party in Itabirense , It very guny.
Filipe Lopes

In july 2007 went home to Rejane, and had fun too. I with Ana Clara, Ronaldo and Elias. I visited tourist sights and a waterfall.
Paulo Vitor

My 15th birthday party was wonderful with all my family and friends around me. I got all the gifts I wanted and so much love.
Ana Paula

Last christmas I spent with family was very good. i spent it my family and some friends.
Elias Silva

On December 2009, I traveled to Rio Grande do Sul, and spent a wonderful week there. I was there in the summer season, howver, it was a grueling heat. But I restites and be sure to visit the beautiful places in Porto Alegre. I even celebrated Christmas there with my godmother. I went to several malls, cinemas and restaurants. It was good while it lasted...
Ronaldo Mansur

One afternoon of the 2001, (don't remenber the right date) I was watching TV and my mother came home from work. She said she had a surprise for me. It was under a cushion on the sofa. I was very happy, it was a beutifull puppy! When he was little he didn't like me. Nowadays he love me and I don't detaches him! Dengoso's the BEST dog of the world!!!
Ana Clara