
July - Birthdays of the month

Name: Ana Clara Campidelli
Sign: Cancer
Age: 17
Music: J-music
Books: Self Help
Fantasy and Science Fiction
Favorite Teachers: Is... ...
I like many CEFET teachers!
Hobby: watch anime
Slogan: No opposites, there is no evolution.
Person: I !
Finally, what do you think of the MEC II? a class that lives in conflict (mafia x side ''B'') but that is animated.


Name: Leonardo de Oliveira Gonçalves
Nickname: Leo, Leleo, Leozinho
Sign: Cancer
Age: 16
Favorite Food: Lasanha and pizza
Favorite drink: Cuba
What would you like to wear? Tennis shoe.
Actor or Actress: Demi Moore
Music: Only Exception - Paramore
Movie: Harry Potter, all
Books: Harry Potter, too!
Favorites teachers: JULIANA, ONLY!
Hobby: Horseback riding, playing handball.
Slogan: Real friends do not separate, just follow different paths.
Person: My mother.
Location: a cold place.
Finally, what do you think of the MEC II? Much of the people are nice, but some steal.

Name: Larissa Pedrosa Tavares França
Age: 17
Sign: Cancer
What are your dreams ? I dont know, I want to be happy.
What would you like to wear? dress and scarpin
Favorite food: Vegetarian lasagna.
Favorite drink: passion fruit juice
Actor or/and Actress: Angelina Jolie and Richard Gere
Music: I gotta feeling - BEP
Books: Angels and Demons
Movies: The simpsons
Hobby: Walk and read.
Person: Many peoples are important to me.
Finally, what do you think of the MEC II? Well, the class is divided into two groups, the first I talk a lot. The other group, I don't like much. Anyway, PUXADINHO forever!

Project Egg !

The work of the discipline CAD (computer-aided design) which became known as "Project Egg" was really cool! The goal was to get only cardboard, scissors and glue a project for a pretty box, economical, innovative, and above all that stood for a drop of 3m with an egg inside. Some gave some, others not...
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design inspired by volcom.

* postagem sem correção de inglês. :p