
The Tapeworm Diet

If you eat for two and aren’t pregnant, maybe it’s time to get a second mouth in your belly. A tapeworm can sure help eat all of that excess food. Around the turn of the century, these little parasites were sold in a simple pill form claiming to help you shed inches from your waist. It’s uncertain whether these pills actually had live tapeworms or if they were just another “snake oil” product, but what is certain is that people have intentionally used tapeworms as a weight loss method. Jockeys are amongst the many people purported to have used tapeworms as a diet.

Possible Side Effects May Include: Well for one, having a worm inside your stomach, which might cause nausea, headaches, infections and diarrhea. Some people’s organs are blocked by the eggs and this can result in death. There is no evidence that tapeworms actually help people lose much of weight, so the whole experience may be for nothing.

The Sleeping Beauty Diet

You can’t eat while you sleep. So naturally, if you sedate yourself for days and neglect to eat as a result, this starvation diet may actually work for you. Elvis was a proponent of this weight loss method around the end of his life and the dieting method was also made popular in Valley of the Dolls.

Possible Side Effects May Include: A severe pill hangover can leave you with a headache, nausea and fatigue. Additionally, improper sedation might actually kill you and so might starvation.

The Vision Diet

If your food looks disgusting, you’re less likely to eat it. While this is certainly true, it’s not enough to make the vision-dieter glasses any less silly. From the testimonials I’ve read, the glasses make you feel relaxed while going on your day to day routine, but they don’t help you lose much weight. Johnny Depp is a big fan of blue glasses, although it’s hard to say if he just likes their look or if he actually feels the effects from the lens color.

Possible Side Effects May Include: Looking like a geek in big blue glasses. Possible vision problems after prolonged exposure to the glasses.

Caio César


Birthdays of August !

Name: Paulo Vitor

Age: 17

What do you like do?

I like reading, drawing, to dance, watch good movies… I like to be fun and enjoy the beauty.

What are your dreams?

I want to be successful. Have children, read a book and plat a tree. And in professional life, I would like to be an architect.

Favorite food: I don't have favorite food.

Favorite drink: I like juices and refrigerants... Ahhhhhh.. Off course.. ABSOLUT. (kidding)

Favorite teacher: Érica, she is very cool and Hirce, she is a cute granny !

Music: I like MPB, old rock .. 70’s, 80’s and Blues… I like so much Lady Gaga and Beyoncé.

Idols: C.S Lewis, Audrey Hepburn, Izabel Goulart, Stan Lee.. etc…

Movies: O Iluminado, all Harry Potter, As crônicas de Narnia, A Troca, Homem Aranha, X-MEN, A Ilha do Medo, Garota Infernal, Panico, Castelo Animado, UP, Planeta 51, etc…

Books: O xangô de Baker Street, A menina que roubava livros, O código da Vinci, Anjos e Demônios, A Odisséia, Harry Potter, EU MATO, etc...

Finally, what do you think of the MEC II?

The class is good. But students have child behavior. I like the class.